Class Identity

    • Constructor Detail

      • Identity

        protected Identity​(IdentityMgr parent,
                           int inst,
                           EKeySeg key,
                           int ser,
                           java.lang.String name)
      • Identity

        public Identity​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
    • Method Detail

      • getStatus

        public short getStatus()
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(short status)
      • getState

        public byte getState()
      • setState

        public void setState​(byte state)
      • getVendor

        public short getVendor()
      • getDeviceId

        public short getDeviceId()
      • getProduct

        public short getProduct()
      • getMajor

        public byte getMajor()
      • getMinor

        public byte getMinor()
      • getSerial

        public int getSerial()
      • setSerial

        public void setSerial​(int serial)
      • getProductName

        public java.lang.String getProductName()
      • checkKey

        public boolean checkKey​(EKeySeg requestedKey)
        Determine if a given electronic key segment is acceptable for this device. By default, compatible mode requires an exact match or requests an earlier version of an otherwise exact match.

        Devices that can emulate other devices must override this method with the necessary comparisons.

        requestedKey -