Class NestedLogicalSeg

    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • NestedLogicalSeg

        public NestedLogicalSeg​(byte exttype)
      • NestedLogicalSeg

        public NestedLogicalSeg​(byte exttype,
                                CipPath nested)
    • Method Detail

      • getNested

        public CipPath getNested()
      • getNestedWords

        protected int getNestedWords()
      • getWords

        public int getWords()
        Description copied from class: PathSegment
        Obtain the number of 16-bit words needed to encode this segment instance in padded format. The default implementation assumes the padded format is simply the size of the packed format, rounded up to an even number of bytes.
        getWords in class ExtLogSeg
        Number of words, assuming put() will be called with padded true.
      • getBytes

        public int getBytes()
        Description copied from class: PathSegment
        Obtain the number of bytes needed to encode this segment instance in packed format.
        getBytes in class ExtLogSeg
        Number of bytes, assuming put() will be called with padded false.
      • set

        public PathSegment set​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source,
                               boolean padded)
        Description copied from class: PathSegment
        Replace the current instance content with the decoded source bytes.

        The caller must ensure that the instance is appropriate for the bytes supplied. This permits instance re-use in optimized applications.

        set in class ExtLogSeg
        source - The bytes to be decoded. The position will be left after the last byte of the decoded segment.
        padded - Alternate format selection. Packed format when false.
        The same instance.
      • put

        public void put​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest,
                        boolean padded)
        Description copied from class: PathSegment
        Encode the current instance to the given destination.
        put in class ExtLogSeg
        dest - The buffer receiving the complete encoded instance.
        padded - Alternate format selection. Packed format when false.