Class FwdCloseRsp

    • Field Detail

      • connSN

        public short connSN
      • vendor

        public short vendor
      • origSN

        public int origSN
      • appreply

        public byte[] appreply
      • hasRemPath

        protected boolean hasRemPath
      • remPath

        protected byte remPath
    • Method Detail

      • setPayload

        public void setPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
        Description copied from class: CipReply
        Subclasses should override this method to permit reparsing of protocol packets into the desired request type.
        Specified by:
        setPayload in interface CipMessage
        setPayload in class CipReply
        source - Source buffer containing the encoded new payload.
      • putPayload

        public void putPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
        Description copied from class: CipReply
        Subclasses that encode fields into their payloads must override this.
        Specified by:
        putPayload in interface CipMessage
        putPayload in class CipReply
        dest - Destination buffer for the encoded payload.
      • payloadLength

        public int payloadLength()
        Description copied from class: CipReply
        Subclasses must override this unless they populate the payload field.
        Specified by:
        payloadLength in interface CipMessage
        payloadLength in class CipReply
        The byte length of the encoded payload only.