Class SectionEntry

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.util.regex.Pattern canonical  
      protected long canonicalIndex  
      protected java.lang.String canonicalKey  
      protected java.lang.String key  
      protected Section parent  
      • Fields inherited from class java.util.AbstractList

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      SectionEntry​(Section parent, java.lang.String key)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void generate​( pw)  
      long getCanonicalIndex()  
      java.lang.String getCanonicalKey()  
      java.lang.String getKey()  
      Section getParent()  
      static java.lang.Object[] keyAndIndex​(java.lang.String k)  
      java.lang.String toString()  
      • Methods inherited from class java.util.LinkedList

        add, add, addAll, addAll, addFirst, addLast, clear, clone, contains, descendingIterator, element, get, getFirst, getLast, indexOf, lastIndexOf, listIterator, offer, offerFirst, offerLast, peek, peekFirst, peekLast, poll, pollFirst, pollLast, pop, push, remove, remove, remove, removeFirst, removeFirstOccurrence, removeLast, removeLastOccurrence, set, size, spliterator, toArray, toArray
      • Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractSequentialList

      • Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractList

        equals, hashCode, listIterator, removeRange, subList
      • Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractCollection

        containsAll, isEmpty, removeAll, retainAll
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection

        parallelStream, removeIf, stream, toArray
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.Deque

      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.List

        containsAll, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, iterator, listIterator, removeAll, replaceAll, retainAll, sort, subList
    • Field Detail

      • parent

        protected final Section parent
      • key

        protected final java.lang.String key
      • canonicalKey

        protected final java.lang.String canonicalKey
      • canonicalIndex

        protected final long canonicalIndex
      • canonical

        public static final java.util.regex.Pattern canonical
    • Constructor Detail

      • SectionEntry

        public SectionEntry​(Section parent,
                            java.lang.String key)
    • Method Detail

      • keyAndIndex

        public static java.lang.Object[] keyAndIndex​(java.lang.String k)
      • getParent

        public Section getParent()
      • getKey

        public java.lang.String getKey()
      • getCanonicalKey

        public java.lang.String getCanonicalKey()
      • getCanonicalIndex

        public long getCanonicalIndex()
      • generate

        public void generate​( pw)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.util.AbstractCollection<EntryField>