Class LgxProbeReport.LgxNamedData

    • Constructor Detail

      • LgxNamedData

        public LgxNamedData()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public abstract java.lang.String getName()
        Obtain the tag or member name for use in an ANSI Symbol segment.
        Tag or Member name string.
      • getSymbolType

        public abstract int getSymbolType()
        A Logix symbol type code is a 16-bit word signals the number of array dimensions and distinguishes a structure type from a base type. This is only used in Rockwell processors during browse.
        A 16-bit encoded type, as follows: Bit 15: 0 for base type, 1 for structure type Bits 14-13: Array shape (number of dimensions). Bit 12: System reserved flag. Included in structure id. Bits 12-0: Structure Identifier for structure types. Bits 7-0: CIP Formal Type for base types.
      • getType

        public abstract LgxProbeReport.LgxProbedType getType()
        When a Logix symbol is a complex type, and the probe algorithm has enumerated it, return the probe object. Must be assigned, typically after the fact in LgxProbeReport.reMap().
      • getDimensions

        public abstract int[] getDimensions()
        Obtain the sizes of each array dimension, if any, outermost first. Structure members can only have one dimension in Logix.
        An integer array. Length zero if not an array.
      • getStructId

        public int getStructId()
        Obtain the instance number of this tag's structure type in the Template class (0x6c). Extracted from the Symbol Type. That limits this to a 12-bit unsigned, non-zero integer.
        Value for use in a Logical Instance segment type or zero if not applicable (not a structure type).
      • abbrevTypeDef

        public DataDefinitionSeg abbrevTypeDef()
        Supplies the underlying data type of this tag or member. If a complex type, it will be an AbbrevStructSeg for which the type name is also configured. Otherwise it will be an ElementarySeg instance.
      • namedTypeDef

        public DataDefinitionSeg namedTypeDef()
        Supplies the underlying data type of this tag or member. If a complex type, it will be a NamedStructSeg for which the CRC (handle) is also configured. Otherwise it will be an ElementarySeg instance.
      • decoratedTypeDef

        public DecoratedDefSeg decoratedTypeDef()
        Supplies the underlying data type of this tag or member. If an array, it will be a DecoratedDefSeg with the dimensions set accordingly. If a complex type, it will be a NamedStructSeg for which the CRC (handle) is also configured. Otherwise it will be an ElementarySeg instance.
      • typeName

        public java.lang.String typeName()
      • dimDisplay

        public java.lang.String dimDisplay()
      • typeSize

        public int typeSize()
      • totalBytes

        public int totalBytes()
      • totalBits

        public int totalBits()
        Used to determine aliasing.