Class CipBackplane

  • public class CipBackplane
    extends java.lang.Object
    CIP devices may have a backplane/chassis in their design. The specification requires that a device's port #1, if it exists, be the backplane port. If multiple backplanes exist in a device's design, one of them must be port 1. The others can use any port number.

    When a device creates LocalBusPort in a Port Manager, it passes the bus instance for the chassis and the slot number to occupy. That constructor will fail if the slot is not available.

    • Field Detail

      • chassisId

        protected final EKeySeg chassisId
      • minSlot

        protected final int minSlot
      • maxSlot

        protected final int maxSlot
      • portRange

        protected final CipUINT portRange
    • Constructor Detail

      • CipBackplane

        public CipBackplane​(EKeySeg chassisId,
                            int minSlot,
                            int maxSlot)
        Establish the bus with an identity and fixed range of slot numbers.

        A LocalBusPort instance will defer to its bus to supply these properties to attribute reads.

        chassisId -
        minSlot -
        maxSlot -
    • Method Detail

      • getChassisId

        public EKeySeg getChassisId()
      • getMinSlot

        public int getMinSlot()
      • getMaxSlot

        public int getMaxSlot()
      • getPortRange

        public CipUINT getPortRange()
      • checkSlot

        protected void checkSlot​(int n)
      • getDevices

        public java.util.List<CipDevice> getDevices()
      • setupSlot

        public void setupSlot​(int n,
                              LocalBusPort p)
        Place a given LocalBusPort in the given slot of this bus. Called only from the LocalBusPort constructor.
        n -
        p -
      • teardownSlot

        public void teardownSlot​(int n,
                                 LocalBusPort p)
        Utility to remove a LocalBusPort from a slot when that port is shutting down. Only called from LocalBusPort.shutdown().
        n -
        p -