Class LocalBusPort

    • Field Detail

      • slot

        public final int slot
    • Constructor Detail

      • LocalBusPort

        public LocalBusPort​(PortMgr parent,
                            CipBackplane bus,
                            int port,
                            int slot)
      • LocalBusPort

        public LocalBusPort​(InstanceSeg seg,
                            PortMgr parent,
                            CipBackplane bus,
                            int port,
                            int slot)
        Construct a local bus port with the given properties. Bus devices will be accessed with implicit connections (no actual message buffering).
        seg - Indicates the instance number to create/replace, or null to use the lowest available instance.
        parent - A Port Manager class object
        bus - The bus instance that manages slots and chassis properties.
        port - The port number in the parent device. Non-zero.
        slot - The slot number in the bus to occupy.