Class BaseDataType<T>

    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      protected BaseDataType()
      Implementing instances must set 'dimensions' in their constructor, as all other methods will reference it.
      protected BaseDataType​(BaseDataType<?> data, int[] indices)
      Constructor for wrapped or derived instances.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int alignment()
      Obtain the natural alignment of this data type.
      java.util.List<PathSegment> browseInner()
      Arrays and complex data types are traversed with path following segments in the DataResolver class.
      java.util.List<PathSegment> browseInnerImpl()
      Complex types that have nested data understood by the DataResolver must enumerate the path segments that are appropriate for the current instance's content.
      int bytes​(int... indices)
      Retrieve the entire bytes size of this object's payload, or a slice of it.
      abstract int bytesEach()
      Obtain the bytes-per-element of this object's payload encoding.
      protected abstract int bytesImpl​(int[] indices)
      Retrieve the bytes payload size of a single array element (or sole element).
      protected boolean checkDimensions​(int[] newDimensions)
      Helper for use in setDimensions() implementations.
      void chkAbbrevType​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)  
      protected int[] concatIndices​(int[] indices)
      Wrapped instances must combine their nesting indices with given indices to produce the indices of their parent.
      static java.lang.String conditionalSuffix​(int[] dims, int[] offsets)  
      abstract BaseDataType<?> copy()
      Produce a deep clone of the object.
      void copyTo​(BaseDataType<?> dest, int... indices)
      Deep copy the content of this object into a new one, or a slice of it, possibly into a new type.
      protected abstract void copyToImpl​(BaseDataType<?> dest, int[] indices)
      Support deep copy operations one element at a time.
      protected abstract void copyToImpl​(BaseDataType<?> dest, int[] toIndices, int[] fromIndices)
      Support slice copy operations one element at a time.
      static int CRC16​(int crc, byte[] data)
      Compute a CRC per CIP Volume 1 Appendix C using a pre-computed table.
      static int CRC16​(int crc, java.lang.String s)  
      static int CRC16​(int crc, java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
      Compute a CRC per CIP Volume 1 Appendix C using a pre-computed table.
      java.lang.String crcName()
      Obtain the name of this type as used for computing structure CRCs.
      int dim2linear​(int[] indices)  
      static int dim2linear​(int[] dims, int[] indices)  
      static int dim2qty​(int[] dims)  
      static java.lang.String dim2suffix​(int[] dims)  
      protected java.lang.String dimensionToString​(int... indices)  
      double doubleValue​(int... indices)
      For floating point types, upscale as needed to 64-bits.
      static int[] extendIntArray​(int[] indices, int index)  
      protected void fillIntArray​(int[] buffer, int offset, int[] partial)
      Recursive helper for intArray().
      T get()  
      abstract T get​(int[] indices)
      Application-side value retrieval.
      DecoratedDefSeg getCompleteDef()  
      int[] getDimensions()
      Return the current array shape of this data item.
      int[] getMemberOffsets()  
      abstract DataDefinitionSeg getNestingDef()
      Return the element (not including array) type definition as a Path Segment, using the abbreviated form if a composite data type.
      short getSymbolType()
      Many subclasses will be data elements supported by Logix processors.
      byte getTypeCode()
      Retrieve the code used in tag read/write services.
      DataContext getVariantContext()
      When this data element has a dynamic definition or related operations, its containing type or other object can set a variant context to be used for such indirection.
      CipPath getVaryingDimension()  
      static boolean hasOffset​(int[] dims, int[] offsets)  
      int[] incIdx​(int[] indices)  
      int[] intArray​(int... indices)
      Convenience function for extracting values into a linear primitive array.
      int intValue​(int... indices)
      For data types 32-bits wide or less, return the best available 32-bit representation.
      int[] linear2dim​(int subscript)  
      static int[] linear2dim​(int[] dims, int subscript)  
      java.math.BigInteger longValue​(int... indices)
      For data types 64-bits wide or less, return the best available 64-bit representation.
      static BaseDataType<?> makeInstance​(java.lang.Class<? extends BaseDataType<?>> tclass, int... dims)  
      int maxEach()
      Obtain the largest number of bytes a single item can occupy in encoded form.
      int minEach()
      Obtain the smallest number of bytes a single item can occupy in encoded form.
      int nestedBytes​(boolean asStruct, int... indices)
      Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures.
      int nestedBytesEach()
      Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures.
      protected int nestedBytesImpl​(int[] indices)
      Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures.
      void nestedPutPayload​(boolean asStruct, java.nio.ByteBuffer dest, int... indices)
      Variable-length types (Omron strings) can have different encodings when members of structures or arrays.
      protected void nestedPutPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest, int[] indices)
      Variable-length types (Omron strings) can have different encodings when members of structures or arrays.
      void nestedSetPayload​(int startpos, boolean asStruct, java.nio.ByteBuffer source, int... indices)
      Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures.
      protected void nestedSetPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source, int[] indices)
      Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures.
      void putAbbrevType​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
      Many subclasses will be data elements supported by Logix processors.
      void putPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest, int... indices)
      All CIP datatypes must provide bytestream payloads.
      protected abstract void putPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest, int[] indices)
      All concrete implementations must supply their per-element encoder here.
      static java.lang.String range2suffix​(int[] dims, int[] offsets)  
      static int rawCRC16​(int crc, byte b)
      Compute a CRC per CIP Volume 1 Appendix C (reflected algorithm with polynomial x^16 + x^15 + x^13 + x) in bitwise fashion.
      abstract void set​(int[] indices, T val)
      Application-side value storage.
      void set​(T val)  
      void setDimensions​(int[] newDimensions)
      Update the lengths of the array dimensions to the given values.
      protected void setFromTokenImpl​(java.lang.String token, int[] indices)
      Override this if single elements can be set from single tokens.
      void setFromTokenizer​( st, int... indices)
      Common implementation for setting values from a potentially customized string tokenizer.
      protected void setFromTokenizerImpl​( st, int[] indices)
      Override this if the data type is complex and will need multiple tokens per element.
      void setFromTokenString​(java.lang.String tokens, int... indices)
      Common implementation for setting values from a token string.
      void setInt​(int val, int... indices)
      For data types 32-bits wide or less, set the appropriate bits from a 32-bit representation.
      void setLong​(long val, int... indices)
      For data types 64-bits wide or less, set the appropriate bits from a 64-bit representation.
      void setMemberOffsets​(int[] offsets)  
      void setPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source, int... indices)
      Decode a value from specification wire format to instance storage.
      protected abstract void setPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source, int[] indices)
      All concrete implementations must supply their per-element decoder here.
      void setupTokenizer​( st)
      When setting values from string tokens, custom tokenization may be required.
      void setVariantContext​(DataContext variantContext)
      Establish an external source for the size of the outermost dimension of this array data.
      void setVariantDimension()
      Convenience function to establish a varying outer dimension by payload limit.
      void setVariantDimension​(CipPath varyingDimension)
      Establish an external source for the size of the outermost dimension of this array data.
      protected java.lang.String singleToString​(int[] indices)  
      void sliceTo​(BaseDataType<?> dest, int[] indices, int[] offsets)
      Copy a slice, inner rectangle, or cube from this object into a destination.
      java.lang.String structCRCString()
      Logix processors don't follow CIP Volume 1 Table C-6.9 in their tag read/write routines for structures.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      abstract BaseDataType<T> wrap​(int[] indices)
      Application-side wrapper for inner dimensions.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • sLogger

        public static final org.slf4j.Logger sLogger
      • dimensions

        protected int[] dimensions
      • memberOffsets

        protected int[] memberOffsets
      • variantContext

        protected DataContext variantContext
        When dimensions are driven by external values, they are looked up when needed in a given context. The varying dimension may have an empty Path, meaning the outermost dimension will be determined by the payload limit during .setPayload(). In this case, variantContext will not be used.
      • varyingDimension

        protected CipPath varyingDimension
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseDataType

        protected BaseDataType()
        Implementing instances must set 'dimensions' in their constructor, as all other methods will reference it. A non-array instance should have a zero-length dimensions array.
      • BaseDataType

        protected BaseDataType​(BaseDataType<?> data,
                               int[] indices)
        Constructor for wrapped or derived instances. This instance will have dimensions and possibly memberOffsets for the indices *not* specified.
        data - The parent data instance.
        indices - The indices into the parent array that are the root of this instance, if an array.
    • Method Detail

      • rawCRC16

        public static int rawCRC16​(int crc,
                                   byte b)
        Compute a CRC per CIP Volume 1 Appendix C (reflected algorithm with polynomial x^16 + x^15 + x^13 + x) in bitwise fashion. Used to populate the optimized table.
        crc - Zero to start, or previous return value.
        b - Byte value to process.
        Result, or intermediate value for further calls.
      • CRC16

        public static int CRC16​(int crc,
                                byte[] data)
        Compute a CRC per CIP Volume 1 Appendix C using a pre-computed table.
        crc - Zero to start, or previous return value.
        data - Byte values to process.
        Result, or intermediate value for further calls.
      • CRC16

        public static int CRC16​(int crc,
                                java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
        Compute a CRC per CIP Volume 1 Appendix C using a pre-computed table.
        crc - Zero to start, or previous return value.
        source - Byte values to process from a ByteBuffer.
        Result, or intermediate value for further calls.
      • CRC16

        public static int CRC16​(int crc,
                                java.lang.String s)
      • extendIntArray

        public static int[] extendIntArray​(int[] indices,
                                           int index)
      • makeInstance

        public static BaseDataType<?> makeInstance​(java.lang.Class<? extends BaseDataType<?>> tclass,
                                                   int... dims)
      • dim2suffix

        public static java.lang.String dim2suffix​(int[] dims)
      • range2suffix

        public static java.lang.String range2suffix​(int[] dims,
                                                    int[] offsets)
      • hasOffset

        public static boolean hasOffset​(int[] dims,
                                        int[] offsets)
      • conditionalSuffix

        public static java.lang.String conditionalSuffix​(int[] dims,
                                                         int[] offsets)
      • dim2qty

        public static int dim2qty​(int[] dims)
      • dim2linear

        public static int dim2linear​(int[] dims,
                                     int[] indices)
      • linear2dim

        public static int[] linear2dim​(int[] dims,
                                       int subscript)
      • concatIndices

        protected int[] concatIndices​(int[] indices)
        Wrapped instances must combine their nesting indices with given indices to produce the indices of their parent.
        indices - Given indices for an instance method.
        Concatenated indices for the method on the parent.
      • getTypeCode

        public byte getTypeCode()
        Retrieve the code used in tag read/write services. Will be 0xa0 for abbreviated structures, which then need to use a length byte and structure handle.
        This data's USINT tag type code
      • getNestingDef

        public abstract DataDefinitionSeg getNestingDef()
        Return the element (not including array) type definition as a Path Segment, using the abbreviated form if a composite data type.
      • crcName

        public java.lang.String crcName()
        Obtain the name of this type as used for computing structure CRCs. Can be different from the name(s) used by the CipPath parser.
      • getDimensions

        public int[] getDimensions()
        Return the current array shape of this data item. If not an array, the return will have zero length.
        Current array dimensions as an array of integers, outermost first.
      • getMemberOffsets

        public int[] getMemberOffsets()
      • getVaryingDimension

        public CipPath getVaryingDimension()
      • setVariantDimension

        public void setVariantDimension()
        Convenience function to establish a varying outer dimension by payload limit. This is only applied when .setPayload() is called at the outermost level.
      • setVariantDimension

        public void setVariantDimension​(CipPath varyingDimension)
        Establish an external source for the size of the outermost dimension of this array data. It will only be applied when .setPayload() is called at the outermost level. The caller is responsible for any other use, including setting the creation size of the dimension.
        varyingDimension - The path to the integer data element. It can point at any datatype that implements the .intValue() method.
      • getVariantContext

        public DataContext getVariantContext()
        When this data element has a dynamic definition or related operations, its containing type or other object can set a variant context to be used for such indirection.
      • setVariantContext

        public void setVariantContext​(DataContext variantContext)
        Establish an external source for the size of the outermost dimension of this array data. It will only be applied when .setPayload() or .setFromTokenizer() is called at the outermost level. The caller is responsible for any other use, including setting the creation size of the dimension.
        variantContext - The environment in which to look up the varying dimension path. Typically the container of this array data object itself.
      • checkDimensions

        protected boolean checkDimensions​(int[] newDimensions)
        Helper for use in setDimensions() implementations. Returns true when dimensions match previous dimensions, and no change is required. Also verifies that the number of dimensions is not changing, and that inner dimensions, if any, are not changing.
        newDimensions - The desired dimensions passed to setDimensions.
        True if setDimensions() may exit early.
      • setDimensions

        public void setDimensions​(int[] newDimensions)
        Update the lengths of the array dimensions to the given values. The number of subscripts must match the current number of subscripts. The operation must be data-preserving.

        This implementation handles pure Object storage types. Anything else must override.

        newDimensions -
      • setMemberOffsets

        public void setMemberOffsets​(int[] offsets)
      • browseInner

        public java.util.List<PathSegment> browseInner()
        Arrays and complex data types are traversed with path following segments in the DataResolver class. This abstract base type method enumerates arrays and bits of integral types. It delegates to browseInnerImpl() otherwise.
        A list of currently valid path selector segments.
      • browseInnerImpl

        public java.util.List<PathSegment> browseInnerImpl()
        Complex types that have nested data understood by the DataResolver must enumerate the path segments that are appropriate for the current instance's content. This is typically static for structure members, but dynamic for international string languages.
        A list of currently valid path selector segments.
      • intValue

        public int intValue​(int... indices)
        For data types 32-bits wide or less, return the best available 32-bit representation. If the subscripts are incomplete, return the element with the remaining subscripts set to zero.
        indices - Array subscripts.
      • fillIntArray

        protected void fillIntArray​(int[] buffer,
                                    int offset,
                                    int[] partial)
        Recursive helper for intArray().
        buffer -
        offset -
        partial -
      • intArray

        public int[] intArray​(int... indices)
        Convenience function for extracting values into a linear primitive array. Returns all elements or a slice depending on the number of indices provided.
        indices -
      • setInt

        public void setInt​(int val,
                           int... indices)
        For data types 32-bits wide or less, set the appropriate bits from a 32-bit representation. If the subscripts are incomplete, set the element with the remaining subscripts set to zero.
        val - New value, truncated to 8 or 16 bits if needed.
        indices - Array subscripts.
      • longValue

        public java.math.BigInteger longValue​(int... indices)
        For data types 64-bits wide or less, return the best available 64-bit representation. If the subscripts are incomplete, return the element with the remaining subscripts set to zero.
        indices - Array subscripts.
      • doubleValue

        public double doubleValue​(int... indices)
        For floating point types, upscale as needed to 64-bits. Otherwise convert from the corresponding integer type.
        indices -
      • setLong

        public void setLong​(long val,
                            int... indices)
        For data types 64-bits wide or less, set the appropriate bits from a 64-bit representation. If the subscripts are incomplete, set the element with the remaining subscripts set to zero.
        val - New value, truncated to 8, 16, or 32 bits if needed.
        indices - Array subscripts.
      • dim2linear

        public int dim2linear​(int[] indices)
      • linear2dim

        public int[] linear2dim​(int subscript)
      • incIdx

        public int[] incIdx​(int[] indices)
      • get

        public T get()
      • get

        public abstract T get​(int[] indices)
        Application-side value retrieval. Subclasses must implement this function to retrieve elements of the storage array in the application data type.
        indices - Array subscripts. Missing subscripts not allowed.
      • set

        public void set​(T val)
      • set

        public abstract void set​(int[] indices,
                                 T val)
        Application-side value storage. Subclasses must implement this function to store one value or complex element into the storage array.
        indices - Array subscripts. Missing subscripts not allowed.
        val -
      • wrap

        public abstract BaseDataType<T> wrap​(int[] indices)
        Application-side wrapper for inner dimensions. Implementations must update memberOffsets if not not using the protected constructor.
        indices - Array subscripts. Missing subscripts are allowed.
      • bytesEach

        public abstract int bytesEach()
        Obtain the bytes-per-element of this object's payload encoding. Objects with variable length encodings must return zero and implement the bytesImpl(), minEach(), maxEach(), and alignment() methods instead.
        encoded bytes per element
      • nestedBytesEach

        public int nestedBytesEach()
        Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures. CipStruct will use this method instead of bytesEach() when computing its own bytesEach.

        The supplied nestedBytes(boolean, int...) implementation will also call this version for arrays.

      • minEach

        public int minEach()
        Obtain the smallest number of bytes a single item can occupy in encoded form. Used in structures to compute min/max offset and total structure size range.

        Types where bytesEach is a constant should override this to return that constant too, as a performance optimization.

      • maxEach

        public int maxEach()
        Obtain the largest number of bytes a single item can occupy in encoded form. Used in structures to compute min/max offset and total structure size range.

        Types where bytesEach is a constant should override this to return that constant too, as a performance optimization.

      • alignment

        public int alignment()
        Obtain the natural alignment of this data type. Used in structures to compute min/max offset and alignment.

        Types where bytesEach is a constant should override this to return a suitable constant too, as a performance optimization.

      • bytes

        public int bytes​(int... indices)
        Retrieve the entire bytes size of this object's payload, or a slice of it.
      • nestedBytes

        public int nestedBytes​(boolean asStruct,
                               int... indices)
        Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures. CipStruct will always call this method with asStruct set true so that such types can report the correct size.
      • bytesImpl

        protected abstract int bytesImpl​(int[] indices)
        Retrieve the bytes payload size of a single array element (or sole element). Objects with fixed element sizes may simply return bytesEach() here.
        indices -
      • nestedBytesImpl

        protected int nestedBytesImpl​(int[] indices)
        Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures. Such types must override this method to substitute the correct encoding length for that case.
        indices -
      • setPayload

        public void setPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source,
                               int... indices)
        Decode a value from specification wire format to instance storage.
        source -
        indices -
      • nestedSetPayload

        public void nestedSetPayload​(int startpos,
                                     boolean asStruct,
                                     java.nio.ByteBuffer source,
                                     int... indices)
        Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures. CipStruct will always call this method with asStruct set true so that such types can perform the correct decoding.
        asStruct - True to invoke nestedSetPayloadImpl for each member.
        source -
        indices -
      • setPayloadImpl

        protected abstract void setPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source,
                                               int[] indices)
        All concrete implementations must supply their per-element decoder here.
        source -
        indices -
      • nestedSetPayloadImpl

        protected void nestedSetPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source,
                                            int[] indices)
        Certain types (Omron strings and booleans) can have different encodings when packed into structures. Such types must override this method to perform the correct decoding for that case.
        source -
        indices -
      • setupTokenizer

        public void setupTokenizer​( st)
        When setting values from string tokens, custom tokenization may be required. The default tokenization is broken out here to form the basis of custom tokenizers.
        st -
      • setFromTokenString

        public void setFromTokenString​(java.lang.String tokens,
                                       int... indices)
        Common implementation for setting values from a token string.
        tokens -
        indices -
      • setFromTokenizer

        public void setFromTokenizer​( st,
                                     int... indices)
        Common implementation for setting values from a potentially customized string tokenizer.
        st -
        indices -
      • setFromTokenizerImpl

        protected void setFromTokenizerImpl​( st,
                                            int[] indices)
        Override this if the data type is complex and will need multiple tokens per element.
        st -
        indices -
      • setFromTokenImpl

        protected void setFromTokenImpl​(java.lang.String token,
                                        int[] indices)
        Override this if single elements can be set from single tokens. The default decodes as Long and uses setLong().
        token - The single token obtained from the tokenizer for this one element.
        indices - The complete set of subscripts
      • putPayload

        public void putPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest,
                               int... indices)
        All CIP datatypes must provide bytestream payloads. When an array, and fewer indices are supplied than dimensions, multiple consecutive payloads are to be written from the array into the destination buffer.
        dest -
        indices -
      • nestedPutPayload

        public void nestedPutPayload​(boolean asStruct,
                                     java.nio.ByteBuffer dest,
                                     int... indices)
        Variable-length types (Omron strings) can have different encodings when members of structures or arrays. CipStruct will always call this method with asStruct set true so that such types can perform the correct encoding.
        asStruct - True to invoke structPutPayloadImpl for each member.
        dest -
        indices -
      • putPayloadImpl

        protected abstract void putPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest,
                                               int[] indices)
        All concrete implementations must supply their per-element encoder here.
        dest -
        indices -
      • nestedPutPayloadImpl

        protected void nestedPutPayloadImpl​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest,
                                            int[] indices)
        Variable-length types (Omron strings) can have different encodings when members of structures or arrays. Such types must override this method to perform the correct encoding for that case.
        dest -
        indices -
      • putAbbrevType

        public void putAbbrevType​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
        Many subclasses will be data elements supported by Logix processors. The LogixTagType interface requires this routine, which is identical for all types with a compact representation.
        dest -
      • chkAbbrevType

        public void chkAbbrevType​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
      • getSymbolType

        public short getSymbolType()
        Many subclasses will be data elements supported by Logix processors. The LogixTagType interface requires this routine, which is identical for all types with a one-byte compact representation.
      • structCRCString

        public java.lang.String structCRCString()
        Logix processors don't follow CIP Volume 1 Table C-6.9 in their tag read/write routines for structures. Instead, they run the CRC over comma-separated ASCII type strings that make up the structure. This is referred to in the Logix Data Access Programming Manual as the "Structure Handle".
      • copy

        public abstract BaseDataType<?> copy()
        Produce a deep clone of the object.
      • copyTo

        public void copyTo​(BaseDataType<?> dest,
                           int... indices)
        Deep copy the content of this object into a new one, or a slice of it, possibly into a new type. The destination must have the same number of dimensions, but may have different size dimensions. Only elements that exist in both source and destination will be copied.
      • copyToImpl

        protected abstract void copyToImpl​(BaseDataType<?> dest,
                                           int[] indices)
        Support deep copy operations one element at a time.
        indices -
      • sliceTo

        public void sliceTo​(BaseDataType<?> dest,
                            int[] indices,
                            int[] offsets)
        Copy a slice, inner rectangle, or cube from this object into a destination. The offsets are applied to the source's trailing dimensions and correspond to the zero indices in the destination.

        The destination may have fewer dimensions than the source, given the supplied indices as a prefix for the source. The subscripts of the concatenated indices+offsets is the beginning of the copy source.

        The destination must have the same number of dimensions as the number of offsets supplied.

        dest - A destination of a compatible type as this object.
        indices - The fixed subscripts for the part of the source to copy.
        offsets - The starting values for the varying subscripts for the part of the source to copy.
      • copyToImpl

        protected abstract void copyToImpl​(BaseDataType<?> dest,
                                           int[] toIndices,
                                           int[] fromIndices)
        Support slice copy operations one element at a time.
        dest -
        toIndices -
        fromIndices -
      • singleToString

        protected java.lang.String singleToString​(int[] indices)
      • dimensionToString

        protected java.lang.String dimensionToString​(int... indices)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object