Class CipBarrier

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CipBarrier
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements CipReplyConsumer
    Provide a means for a Dummy CipRequest to complete successfully when zero or more other CipRequests complete. The dummy request is expected to *not* be sent anywhere. Usage: 1) Create the barrier with the dummy CipRequest supplied to the constructor. 2) Use the .waitFor() method to connect a subject request to this barrier. (This barrier will be added as a callback to that subject request.) This must happen *before* the subject request is sent or executed if its result needs to be included in the final statistics. 3) Repeat calls to .waitFor() for each additional subject request. Previous subject requests may complete in parallel without loss. 4) Call the .start() method to enable the final result. 4a) If all subjects completed in parallel or synchronously, this .start() method will synchronously deliver the CipReply to the target (dummy) request. 4b) If any subject was outstanding when .start() was called, then the target (dummy) request will receive its CipReply when the last subject completes. 5) The final CipReply is always a success, but with two extra status words containing the counts of subject successes and subject failures, respectively.
    • Field Detail

      • accepted

        protected int accepted
      • required

        protected int required
      • successes

        protected int successes
      • failures

        protected int failures
      • started

        protected boolean started
    • Constructor Detail

      • CipBarrier

        public CipBarrier​(CipRequest target)