Class CipRequest

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Externalizable types must have a public no-arg constructor.
      CipRequest​(CipPath target, int service)
      Construct a new request for a given target and service code.
      CipRequest​(CipPath target, int service, BaseDataType<?> data)
      Construct a request from a target, service, and data for the payload.
      CipRequest​(CipPath target, int service, java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
      Construct a request from a target, service, and payload buffer.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void accept​(CipException e)
      As a convenience to synchronous services, construct a CIP reply from a CIP Exception.
      void accept​(CipReply reply)
      Applications and routers call this method with the actual reply to pass back up the chain of callers.
      void accept​(java.nio.ByteBuffer reply)
      As a convenience to synchronous services, construct a success CIP reply from a given byte buffer.
      CipRequest addCallback​(int idx, CipReplyConsumer callback)
      Requests are expected to generate a reply some time after submission to an Origin.
      CipRequest addCallback​(CipReplyConsumer callback)
      Requests are expected to generate a reply some time after submission to an Origin.
      CipRequest.ReplyFuture addFutureCallback()  
      int bytes()  
      CipRequest clone()  
      static CipRequest decode​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source, CipReplyConsumer callback)
      Given a byte buffer expected to contain a CIP request in Message Router Request format, targeting a Message Router or in an Unconnected Message Manager, return the decoded request, with the given callback attached, rewrapping UCMM requests.
      void forecast​(int expectedReply)  
      java.nio.ByteBuffer getPayload()
      Object services typically want to decode the payload into their own field(s).
      int getServiceCode()
      CIP messages always have a service code, either requesting or replying.
      CipReply getSyncReply​(CipMsgProcessor msgproc)  
      CipReply getSyncReply​(CipObject appContext, int nesting)  
      CipPath getTarget()
      Obtain the application path in this request.
      byte[] payloadBytes()
      Encode the message payload for transmission and return it as an array of bytes.
      int payloadLength()
      Subclasses must override this unless they populate the payload and payloadActual fields.
      protected java.lang.String payloadString()  
      void put​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
      Encode the entire message for transmission.
      void putPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
      Subclasses that encode fields into their payloads must override this.
      void putSyncReplyPayload​(CipMsgProcessor msgproc, java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)  
      void putSyncReplyPayload​(CipObject appContext, int nesting, java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)  
      void readExternal​( in)
      CIP requests are deserialized by retrieving the byte array and decoding it directly.
      int replyLength()
      Subclasses that know how big a reply message will be may override this to enable automatic optimization into multiple request packets.
      static CipRequest rewrapRequest​(CipRequest req)
      Given a request and optional port instance, convert instances that should be one of the subclasses into that subclass.
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<CipReply> service​(CipMsgProcessor msgproc)
      Execute this request on a generic message processor, typically a Port or a Messaging Connection.
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<CipReply> service​(CipObject appContext, int nesting)
      Execute this request on a given device hierarchy, optionally skipping some leading path elements.
      protected java.lang.String serviceName()  
      CipRequest set​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)  
      void setPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
      Subclasses should override this method to permit reparsing of protocol packets into the desired request type.
      CipRequest takeCallbacks​(CipRequest other)
      When a request is wrapped in another request that will simply hand off the reply, the outer request must take the callbacks of the inner request.
      byte[] toBytes()
      Encode the entire message for transmission and return it as an array of bytes.
      java.lang.String toString()  
      void writeExternal​( out)
      CIP requests may be placed "on the wire" in serialized form, but callbacks and any other information that is not explicitly part of the CIP Message Router Request format are discarded.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • sLogger

        public static final org.slf4j.Logger sLogger
      • scheduler

        protected static java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler
      • sentTS

        public long sentTS
      • acceptTS

        public long acceptTS
      • deadline

        public long deadline
      • maxreply

        public int maxreply
      • svccode

        protected int svccode
      • creationTrace

        protected java.lang.Exception creationTrace
      • acceptTrace

        protected java.lang.Exception acceptTrace
      • forecastReply

        protected int forecastReply
    • Constructor Detail

      • CipRequest

        public CipRequest()
        Externalizable types must have a public no-arg constructor.
      • CipRequest

        public CipRequest​(CipPath target,
                          int service)
        Construct a new request for a given target and service code. Suitable for requests that need no payload or for which the payload generation will be overridden.
        target -
        service -
      • CipRequest

        public CipRequest​(CipPath target,
                          int service,
                          java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
        Construct a request from a target, service, and payload buffer. Ideal for parsed requests that will be routed, needing no interpretation of the payload.
        target -
        service -
        source -
      • CipRequest

        public CipRequest​(CipPath target,
                          int service,
                          BaseDataType<?> data)
        Construct a request from a target, service, and data for the payload.
        target -
        service -
        data -
    • Method Detail

      • rewrapRequest

        public static CipRequest rewrapRequest​(CipRequest req)
        Given a request and optional port instance, convert instances that should be one of the subclasses into that subclass.
        req -
      • decode

        public static CipRequest decode​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source,
                                        CipReplyConsumer callback)
        Given a byte buffer expected to contain a CIP request in Message Router Request format, targeting a Message Router or in an Unconnected Message Manager, return the decoded request, with the given callback attached, rewrapping UCMM requests.
        source -
        callback -
      • set

        public CipRequest set​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
      • getTarget

        public CipPath getTarget()
        Obtain the application path in this request. Unconnected messages may start with one or more port segments for routing.
        A list of path segments.
      • getServiceCode

        public int getServiceCode()
        Description copied from interface: CipMessage
        CIP messages always have a service code, either requesting or replying. In the protocol, replies have bit seven turned on. In reply classes implementing this interface, the bit is stripped.
        Specified by:
        getServiceCode in interface CipMessage
        The unsigned byte service code as an integer.
      • put

        public void put​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
        Description copied from interface: CipMessage
        Encode the entire message for transmission.
        Specified by:
        put in interface CipMessage
        dest - Destination buffer for the encoded message.
      • bytes

        public int bytes()
        Specified by:
        bytes in interface CipMessage
        The total byte length of the encoded message.
      • addCallback

        public CipRequest addCallback​(CipReplyConsumer callback)
        Requests are expected to generate a reply some time after submission to an Origin. The caller must add the callbacks that will consume the corresponding reply. For the consumer's convenience, the reply will have this request attached.
        callback -
        Returns the request to allow method chaining.
      • addCallback

        public CipRequest addCallback​(int idx,
                                      CipReplyConsumer callback)
        Requests are expected to generate a reply some time after submission to an Origin. The caller must add the callbacks that will consume the corresponding reply. For the consumer's convenience, the reply will have this request attached. This overloaded form allows a callback to be inserted at any desired point.
        idx -
        callback -
        Returns the request to allow method chaining.
      • takeCallbacks

        public CipRequest takeCallbacks​(CipRequest other)
        When a request is wrapped in another request that will simply hand off the reply, the outer request must take the callbacks of the inner request.

        When such an outer request is unwrapped to process the inner request, the inner request must take the callbacks of the outer request.

        other -
      • clone

        public CipRequest clone()
        clone in class java.lang.Object
      • accept

        public void accept​(CipReply reply)
        Applications and routers call this method with the actual reply to pass back up the chain of callers. Routers must embed some form of ID code in their protocol packets to associate requests with replies. DeviceNet uses originator node address and a 16-bit transaction ID. Ethernet/IP uses the 64-bit Sender Context field of its encapsulation header. CIP over DF1 uses the 16-bit Transaction Number inside of PCCC encapsulation.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface CipReplyConsumer
      • accept

        public void accept​(java.nio.ByteBuffer reply)
        As a convenience to synchronous services, construct a success CIP reply from a given byte buffer. Generally not overridden by subclasses.
        reply -
      • accept

        public void accept​(CipException e)
        As a convenience to synchronous services, construct a CIP reply from a CIP Exception. Generally not overridden by subclasses.
        e -
      • service

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<CipReply> service​(CipObject appContext,
                                                                        int nesting)
        Execute this request on a given device hierarchy, optionally skipping some leading path elements.
        appContext - The hierarchy root that will execute this request and will will be passed to any nested lookup operations.
        nesting - Number of path elements in the request target to skip.
        A completable future that can be interrogated for the reply.
      • service

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<CipReply> service​(CipMsgProcessor msgproc)
        Execute this request on a generic message processor, typically a Port or a Messaging Connection.
        msgproc -
        A completable future that can be interrogated for the reply.
      • getSyncReply

        public CipReply getSyncReply​(CipObject appContext,
                                     int nesting)
      • putSyncReplyPayload

        public void putSyncReplyPayload​(CipObject appContext,
                                        int nesting,
                                        java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
      • putSyncReplyPayload

        public void putSyncReplyPayload​(CipMsgProcessor msgproc,
                                        java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
      • setPayload

        public void setPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
        Subclasses should override this method to permit reparsing of protocol packets into the desired request type.
        Specified by:
        setPayload in interface CipMessage
        source - Source buffer containing the encoded new payload.
      • getPayload

        public java.nio.ByteBuffer getPayload()
        Object services typically want to decode the payload into their own field(s).
        A buffer containing the payload ready to read. Callers should deliver it to ByteBuffersSoftCache.release() if known to not be used further.
      • putPayload

        public void putPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
        Subclasses that encode fields into their payloads must override this.
        Specified by:
        putPayload in interface CipMessage
        dest - Destination buffer for the encoded payload.
      • payloadLength

        public int payloadLength()
        Subclasses must override this unless they populate the payload and payloadActual fields.
        Specified by:
        payloadLength in interface CipMessage
        The byte length of the encoded payload only.
      • replyLength

        public int replyLength()
        Subclasses that know how big a reply message will be may override this to enable automatic optimization into multiple request packets. Or fill the protected field "forecastReply".
      • forecast

        public void forecast​(int expectedReply)
      • payloadString

        protected java.lang.String payloadString()
      • payloadBytes

        public byte[] payloadBytes()
        Description copied from interface: CipMessage
        Encode the message payload for transmission and return it as an array of bytes.
        Specified by:
        payloadBytes in interface CipMessage
        The encoded payload as a byte array.
      • toBytes

        public byte[] toBytes()
        Description copied from interface: CipMessage
        Encode the entire message for transmission and return it as an array of bytes.
        Specified by:
        toBytes in interface CipMessage
        The entire encoded message as a byte array.
      • serviceName

        protected java.lang.String serviceName()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • readExternal

        public void readExternal​( in)
        CIP requests are deserialized by retrieving the byte array and decoding it directly.
        Specified by:
        readExternal in interface
      • writeExternal

        public void writeExternal​( out)
        CIP requests may be placed "on the wire" in serialized form, but callbacks and any other information that is not explicitly part of the CIP Message Router Request format are discarded.
        Specified by:
        writeExternal in interface