Class CxMgrReq

    • Field Detail

      • priotick

        public byte priotick
      • ticktime

        public byte ticktime
    • Constructor Detail

      • CxMgrReq

        public CxMgrReq​(CipPath target,
                        int service)
        target - Required to be ConxMgr.CONXMGRPATH.
        service - One of FwdOpen, FwdClose, or UncxSend
      • CxMgrReq

        public CxMgrReq​(CipPath target,
                        int service,
                        java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
        target - Required to be ConxMgr.CONXMGRPATH.
        service - One of FwdOpen, FwdClose, or UncxSend
        source - A payload starting with priotick and ticktime
      • CxMgrReq

        public CxMgrReq​(CxMgrReq other)
        Construct a new Connection Manager request from another, decrementing the timeout appropriately. The implementation must call setPayload() or otherwise populate the request.
        other -
      • CxMgrReq

        public CxMgrReq()
        Required for external deserialization.
    • Method Detail

      • getTimeoutMillis

        public int getTimeoutMillis()
        Convert this request's ticktime and priotick multiplier into milliseconds.
      • setTimeoutMillis

        public void setTimeoutMillis​(int millis)
        Convert a desired milliseconds timeout into ticktime and priotick multiplier values, within the valid range. The maximum timeout that can be represented is 8,355.84 seconds.
        millis -
      • setPayload

        public void setPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer source)
        Implementations must call this method at the beginning of their setPayload() method.
        Specified by:
        setPayload in interface CipMessage
        setPayload in class CipRequest
        source - Source buffer containing the encoded new payload.
      • putPayload

        public void putPayload​(java.nio.ByteBuffer dest)
        Implementations must call this method at the beginning of their putPayload() method.
        Specified by:
        putPayload in interface CipMessage
        putPayload in class CipRequest
        dest - Destination buffer for the encoded payload.