Class LgxProgram

    • Field Detail

      • bareName

        protected final java.lang.String bareName
      • symbolType

        protected final CipINT symbolType
      • dimensions

        protected final CipDINT dimensions
      • mxinstattr

        protected CipUINT mxinstattr
      • programTagMgr

        public final LgxTagMgr programTagMgr
    • Constructor Detail

      • LgxProgram

        public LgxProgram​(InstanceSeg seg,
                          LgxTagMgr parent,
                          java.lang.String programName)
        seg -
        parent -
        programName -
      • LgxProgram

        public LgxProgram​(LgxTagMgr parent,
                          java.lang.String name)
    • Method Detail

      • getDevice

        public LgxDevice getDevice()
        Description copied from class: CipObject
        CipObjects are expected to be organized as a tree, typically with a CipDevice at the root. (CipDevices can have a parent too, if an implementer chooses to represent a virtual chassis that way.)

        By default, any CipObject will simply ask its parent for the device if asked for the device. A CipDevice returns itself.

        getDevice in class CipObject
        The CipDevice found in the parents of this object, if any.
      • getProgramTagMgr

        public LgxTagMgr getProgramTagMgr()
      • getTags

        public java.util.List<LgxTag> getTags()
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        getName in class CipObject