Class BridgeOutConx

    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public void accept​(CipReply t)
        Unlike other connections, the reply is accepted here in the transport before passing on to the actual requester. Because this will be the connection in the reply. The transport is responsible for setting the link producer, and the requester will set the application consumer.
        Specified by:
        accept in interface CipReplyConsumer
        accept in class ConxInstance
        t - Any CipReply. If a Forward Open Response, apply the final connection parameters.
      • isOrigin

        public boolean isOrigin()
        Description copied from class: ConxInstance
        Generic CIP connections are either originators or targets. In messaging connections, originators produce requests while targets produce replies.

        Within this protocol implementation, originators produce on the link side with the O2T timing and parameters, and consume on the link side with the T2O timing and parameters.

        When a connection is obtained from a successful Forward Open Response, the recipient must examine whether it is an originator or a target. If an originator, the recipient must assign to the appConsumer field and use the appProduce() method. If a target, the recipient must assign to the linkProducer field and use the linkConsume() method.

        Specified by:
        isOrigin in class ConxInstance