Interface AppProducer

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void appProduce​(long txID, java.nio.ByteBuffer payload)
      App Producer objects handle data flow from generic Connectable application objects to their subscribers.
      int getProduceRTF()
      An Application Producer must supply an indicator of the desired real-time mode handling format.
      int getRealTimeMode()
      When an application needs to encode a packet, and the producer expects a real-time mode indicator, the application obtains the 32-bit mode indicator from the producer with this method.
    • Method Detail

      • appProduce

        void appProduce​(long txID,
                        java.nio.ByteBuffer payload)
        App Producer objects handle data flow from generic Connectable application objects to their subscribers. When carrying messaging traffic, the txID uniquely identifies the request/reply pair; typically the encapsulation sender context.
        txID - Transport layer transaction ID uniquely identifying this message or reply, if applicable. Zero for I/O connections.
        payload - Complete CIP data payload, including CIP sequence number, if any.
      • getProduceRTF

        int getProduceRTF()
        An Application Producer must supply an indicator of the desired real-time mode handling format. The following values are allowed: -1: Application default 0: Modeless 1: Zero length packet==idle 3: Heartbeat 4: 32-bit run/idle header is present 5: Safety
        Produced payload real-time mode format
      • getRealTimeMode

        int getRealTimeMode()
        When an application needs to encode a packet, and the producer expects a real-time mode indicator, the application obtains the 32-bit mode indicator from the producer with this method.
        32-bit run/idle header to encode or imply