Class IOConx

    • Field Detail

      • TxT2Onsec

        public long TxT2Onsec
      • TxInhnsec

        public long TxInhnsec
      • producerFuture

        protected java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture<?> producerFuture
      • TxT2ODeadline

        protected long TxT2ODeadline
      • TxInhDeadline

        protected long TxInhDeadline
      • lastProduced

        protected byte[] lastProduced
      • lastProducedActual

        protected int lastProducedActual
      • lastProducedClean

        protected java.lang.ref.Cleaner.Cleanable lastProducedClean
      • lastTxID

        protected long lastTxID
    • Method Detail

      • accept

        public void accept​(CipReply t)
        Description copied from class: ConxInstance
        Subclasses whose constructor defers replying to the forward open request must add the connection to the request's callback list, and call super.accept() to finalize the connection details. If not shutdown on return, proceed with subclass-specific finalization. That must include a call to getParent().bgPing().
        Specified by:
        accept in interface CipReplyConsumer
        accept in class ConxInstance
        t - Any CipReply. If a Forward Open Response, apply the final connection parameters.
      • linkConsume

        public void linkConsume​(long txID,
                                java.nio.ByteBuffer payload)
        Description copied from class: ConxInstance
        Connections must be able to receive arbitrary payloads from port links. These would be TCP or UDP sockets in Ethernet/IP, platform-dependent OS devices in DeviceNet or other physical transports, or peer connections in bridging.

        The connection's watchdog timer is updated on link packet processing.

        Specified by:
        linkConsume in interface LinkConsumer
        linkConsume in class ConxInstance
        txID - Link-specific transaction ID. Not always 64 bits, if used at all.
        payload - The CIP payload extracted from the outer transport protocol.
      • ensureLastProduced

        protected void ensureLastProduced​(int size)
      • appProduce

        public void appProduce​(long txID,
                               java.nio.ByteBuffer payload)
        Description copied from class: ConxInstance
        Connections must be able to receive arbitrary payloads from their connected applications. These would be producing assemblies in typical I/O connections, producing tags in a Logix system, message replies from a message router, or a bridging connection peer.

        Application packet production does not normally update the connection's watchdog timer.

        Specified by:
        appProduce in interface AppProducer
        appProduce in class ConxInstance
        txID - Transaction ID. Not always 64 bits, if used at all. If applicable, matches the txID consumed by the application for this message.
        payload - The CIP payload to send to the outer transport protocol.