Interface AppOwner

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int getConsumeRTF()
      An Application Consumer Owner must supply an indicator of the consumed real-time mode handling format.
      void setRealTimeMode​(int newMode)
      When an application consumer decodes a packet and it provides a real-time mode indicator, the consumer must convert it to a 32-bit indicator and give it to the owner with this method.
    • Method Detail

      • getConsumeRTF

        int getConsumeRTF()
        An Application Consumer Owner must supply an indicator of the consumed real-time mode handling format. The following values are allowed: -1: Application default 0: Modeless 1: Zero length packet==idle 3: Heartbeat 4: 32-bit run/idle header is present 5: Safety
        Consumed payload real-time mode format
      • setRealTimeMode

        void setRealTimeMode​(int newMode)
        When an application consumer decodes a packet and it provides a real-time mode indicator, the consumer must convert it to a 32-bit indicator and give it to the owner with this method.
        newMode - Decoded or inferred 32-bit run/idle header