Class CipODO

    • Constructor Detail

      • CipODO

        public CipODO()
      • CipODO

        public CipODO​(long val)
      • CipODO

        public CipODO​(int[] dimensions)
      • CipODO

        protected CipODO​(CipODO data,
                         int[] indices)
    • Method Detail

      • getNestingDef

        public DataDefinitionSeg getNestingDef()
        Description copied from class: BaseDataType
        Return the element (not including array) type definition as a Path Segment, using the abbreviated form if a composite data type.
        getNestingDef in class CipSGNODO
      • crcName

        public java.lang.String crcName()
        Description copied from class: BaseDataType
        Obtain the name of this type as used for computing structure CRCs. Can be different from the name(s) used by the CipPath parser.
        crcName in class CipSGNODO
      • wrap

        public CipODO wrap​(int[] indices)
        Description copied from class: BaseDataType
        Application-side wrapper for inner dimensions. Implementations must update memberOffsets if not not using the protected constructor.
        wrap in class CipSGNODO
        indices - Array subscripts. Missing subscripts are allowed.