All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbbrevStructSeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
AbbrevStructSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
AbstractPort |
AbstractTypesCtx |
AliasDefSeg |
AliasDefSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
AliasDefSeg.Parser |
AlphanumComparator |
This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski,
Andre Bogus, and David Koelle.
AnonStructSeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
AnonStructSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
AnsiSymbolSeg |
AnsiSymbolSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
AnsiSymbolSeg.Parser |
An ANSI symbol segment can have any ISO-8859-1 characters.
AppConsumer |
AppConsumerAdapter |
Provides a generic intermediary between an AppConsumer and its owner.
AppLinkBase |
AppOwner |
AppOwnerAdapter |
Provides a generic intermediary between an AppOwner and its application
AppProducer |
AppProducerAdapter |
Provides a generic intermediary between an AppProducer and its application
ArrayIndexSeg |
ArrayIndexSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
ArrayIndirectSeg |
ArrayIndirectSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
Assembly |
Assembly.AssyMember |
Assembly.DynamicData |
AssyMgr |
AttributeHolder |
AttributeRO |
AttributeSeg |
AttributeSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
AutoBatchMsgProc |
Extend the functionality of MultipleReqBatch to track requests sent
downstream in order to:
Determine when all sent requests receive a reply, in order to automatically
flush any pending requests, and
Complete a future when all replies are received and no requests are pending.
BareField |
BarrierMsgProc |
BaseDataType<T> |
Implementation of core functionality of all CIP data types:
Multi-dimensional arrays
Shared-storage slices of arrays
Non-zero first subscripts of arrays
Payload get and set operations across multiple array elements
Type code helpers for CIP and Logix
BaseDate |
BaseString |
BaseTimestamp |
BitAddressable |
BitIndexSeg |
BitIndexSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
BitIndirectSeg |
BitIndirectSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
BoolHost |
BridgeInConx |
This class for inbound bridged connections sits in the port that
received the originator's request.
BridgeInConx.Bridger |
BridgeOutConx |
ByteBuffersSoftCache |
BytesSoftCache |
Capsule |
Streaming protocols need to mark message boundaries and indicate message
type and total length.
ChannelFutureLogger |
CipAttrDataException |
CipAttrException |
CipAttribute |
CipAttribute.Proxy |
CipAttrListException |
CipBackplane |
CIP devices may have a backplane/chassis in their design.
CipBadAttrException |
CipBadKeyException |
CipBadStateException |
CipBarrier |
Provide a means for a Dummy CipRequest to complete successfully when
zero or more other CipRequests complete.
Rockwell's processors don't actually use BOOL variables in arrays.
Functionally identical, but uses 16-bit storage by default.
Functionally identical, but uses 32-bit storage by default.
Functionally identical, but uses 64-bit storage by default.
CipBufferException |
CipClass |
CipClassMirror |
Some CIP objects have context-sensitive implementations.
CipConxFailException |
CipConxLostException |
CipDataException |
Unsigned days after 1972-01-01.
CipDevice |
CipDeviceMirror |
Some CIP objects have context-sensitive implementations.
CipDNetGroup2Exception |
CipDT |
A combination of milliseconds since midnight of a particular day,
encoded in four bytes, and unsigned number of days since 1972-01-01,
encoded in two bytes.
CipDupeModeException |
CipEmbSvcException |
Packed and Padded EPath implementation, with variants, with options
for no length prefix, an USINT length, or an UINT length.
CipException |
CipExistsException |
CipExpression |
Support expressions composed of variables, constants, and common
operators, where variables are parsable CipPaths, and operators
are applied in postfix (aka Reverse Polish Notation) order.
CipExpression.AddOp |
CipExpression.AndOp |
CipExpression.BinaryOp |
CipExpression.BitwiseOp |
CipExpression.CompareOp |
CipExpression.Constant |
CipExpression.DivideOp |
CipExpression.InvertOp |
CipExpression.LogicalAndOp |
CipExpression.LogicalOrOp |
CipExpression.MathOp |
CipExpression.ModulusOp |
CipExpression.MultiplyOp |
CipExpression.NotOp |
CipExpression.OrOp |
CipExpression.SubtractOp |
CipExpression.TrinaryOp |
CipExpression.UnaryOp |
CipExpression.Variable |
CipExpression.XorOp |
CipFragmentedException |
CIP microseconds duration
CipInstance |
CipInstDeleteException |
CipINT |
CipIntlString |
CipInvalListException |
CipInvalReplyException |
Signed milliseconds duration for CIP attributes and parameters.
CipLargeReplyException |
CipLargeReqException |
CipLargeRspException |
Omron implementation of nanoseconds Time of Day.
CipMemberException |
CipMessage |
CipMissingListException |
CipModbusUnknownException |
CipModeException |
CipMsgFormatException |
CipMsgProcessor |
Classes implementing this interface can accept arbitrary CIP requests,
resolve the application path, and set up data structures to make sure a
reply is delivered to the request's callbacks.
CipNoFragmentException |
CipNonExistException |
CipNotEnoughException |
Omron implementation of nanoseconds Time of Day.
CipObject |
A generic node in a CIP object hierarchy.
CipObjectMirror |
Some CIP objects have context-sensitive implementations.
CipODO |
CipOmronDT |
Wraps a ULINT or one of its subclasses in a type that will
be interpreted as Zulu nanoseconds.
CipOnceException |
CipOtherException |
CipParamException |
CipPartialDataException |
CipPath |
An ordered list of
Path Segments
to be used as a locator for CIP objects, data elements,
and/or network nodes in the various services in the
CIP specification.
CipPath.CompositeParser |
A parser factory for keywords that call multiple other parsers to
produces a segment list.
CipPath.StaticParser |
A parser factory for keywords that will simply return a constant
path segment.
CipPath.StaticTypeParser |
A parser factory for keywords that will return a constant
data definition segment.
CipPathDestException |
CipPathException |
CipPathFollowException |
CipPathSizeException |
CipPermException |
Returned by devices to signal a violation of the target element's
read/write or readable status.
CipReadOnlyException |
CipReply |
CipReplyConsumer |
CipRequest |
A CIP Request cannot carry an exception.
CipRequest.CallbackException |
CipRequest.ChainedException |
CipRequest.ReplyFuture |
A callback object that delivers its asynchronous CipReply to a
Future for retrieval or synchronization.
CipResourceException |
CipRoMemberException |
CipSaveException |
CipServiceException |
CipServicePathException |
CipShortSTRING |
CipSTRINGI.IntlStringStorage |
CipStruct |
Omron implementation of nanoseconds Time of Day.
CipTOD |
CipTooMuchException |
CipTree |
Implement a Hierarchy of objects where children know their parent
and children are "named" by a single CIP Path Segment.
CipTreeCtx |
CipUnreadableAttrException |
CipUnsavedException |
CipVendorException |
CipWallClock |
Wraps a ULINT or one of its subclasses in a type that will
be interpreted as Zulu microseconds.
Class0Adapter |
Add or remove 16-bit sequence numbers for class zero connections to
applications that expect them.
ClassSeg |
ClassSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
Cleaners |
CommonPacketFormat |
CommServiceCPF |
ComplexField |
Connectable |
I/O assemblies and any other application object that is capable of
participating in an I/O connection of any kind must implement either the
connect method or the sub/unsub methods, or all of them.
ConnectableAttr |
ConstructedDefSeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
ConstructedDefSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
ConstructedDefSeg.Parser |
ConxAddrCPF |
ConxClass |
ConxClass.CxParams |
ConxClass.CxParams.CxPriority |
ConxClass.CxParams.CxType |
ConxInstance |
ConxMapItem |
Incoming connected packets need to be identified by connectionID and
possibly also by source address to route it to the correct
connection, if not just dropped.
ConxMgrMgr |
ConxMgrMgr.Closer |
ConxPtSeg |
ConxPtSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
CpfAddress |
CpfWrapper |
CxManager |
CxMgrReq |
All connection manager-specific service requests use a timeout
constructed from a milliseconds value and a shift multiplier.
DataByteSize |
DataContext |
A Data Context is a view into a collection of addressable objects,
each containing an instance of BaseDataType.
DataCPF |
DataDefinitionSeg |
DataDefinitionSeg.DataDefinitionFragment |
DataPathResolver |
DataResolver |
Data extraction helper, with support for selected transforms.
DataSheet |
DataShortSize |
DataWrapper |
Deadline |
Support external event timing operations.
DecoratedDefSeg |
Implements array dimensions for both standalone types and structure
members, plus names for the latter.
DecoratedDefSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
DefinitionWrapper |
EKeySeg |
EKeySeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
EKeySeg.Parser |
This parser is expected to registered for the 'ekey' keyword.
ElementarySeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
ElementarySeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
Encap |
Encap.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encapsulated Ethernet/IP packet
Encap.EncapException |
EncapData |
EncapData.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encapsulated Ethernet/IP packet
EncapDecoder |
EncapList |
EncapList.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encapsulated Ethernet/IP packet
EncapPort |
Partial implementation of an Ethernet/IP Encapsulation port.
EndianDataInput |
Define input streams that can retrieve little-endian items in addition
to the standard big-endian primitives.
EndianDataOutput |
Define output streams that can deliver items in little-endian format in
addition to the standard big-endian primitives.
EndianInputStream |
EndianInputWrapper |
EndianNioInput |
Wrap a NIO ByteBuffer for use as either EndianDataInput or
EndianDataOutput compatible with any Capsule subclass.
EndianNioOutput |
Wrap a NIO ByteBuffer for use as either EndianDataInput or
EndianDataOutput compatible with any Capsule subclass.
EndianOutputStream |
EndianOutputWrapper |
EnetInstance |
Enip1ThreadFactory |
EntryDescriptor |
EntryField |
EthernetMgr |
ExtLogSeg |
ExtLogSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
FieldDescriptor |
FixedTagSeg |
FixedTagSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
FixedTagSeg.Parser |
This parser is expected to registered for the 'ftag' and 'fixedtag' keywords.
FwdCloseReq |
FwdCloseRsp |
FwdOpenReq |
FwdOpenRsp |
GetAttrListReq |
The Get Attribute List service, code 0x03, is described in the Logix
Data Access manual and is used to retrieve multiple attributes from
Logix Controller objects.
GetGenericReq |
This generic service delivers the reply payload to a given data object's
setPayload method.
GetInstAttrListReq |
The Get Instance Attribute List service, code 0x55, is described in the
Logix Data Access manual and is used to enumerate tags in a Logix
GetInstAttrListReq.InstanceAttributes |
Each remote instance found in the payload is loaded into this object
for the caller's convenience.
HasGuid |
HostedBitDefSeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
HostedBitDefSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
HostedBitDefSeg.Parser |
Identity |
IdentityCPF |
IdentityMgr |
IndirectAttr |
IndirectAttrRO |
InhibitSeg |
InhibitSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
InhibitSeg.Parser |
This parser is expected to registered for the 'inh' and 'inhibit' keywords.
InstanceHolder |
Implemented by CipClass, but may also be implemented by any CipObject
that can contain CipInstances as children.
InstanceHolder.InstanceHolderDelegate |
InstanceHolder.MaxInstData |
InstanceHolder.NumInstData |
InstanceSeg |
InstanceSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
IOConx |
LgxChange |
LgxChangeMgr |
Partially documented class in the Logix5000 Data Access Programming
Manual that supplies information on changes to the controller that
invalidate cached tag and template information.
LgxDevice |
LgxPredefined |
LgxProbe |
Implementation of Rockwell's Data Access manual's tag discovery
LgxProbe.LgxProbeListener |
Listeners added to this probe object will receive reports
after each message is received, except the last, which
will be delivered to the future.
LgxProbeContext |
Interpret probed Logix types as LibODVA types, and maintain multiple
indices of the probe results.
LgxProbeContext.Aliasable |
LgxProbeContext.LgxTagIndex |
LgxProbeReport |
Contains the results of performing the tag and datatype scan
documented in Rockwell's Logix Data Access manual.
LgxProbeReport.LgxNamedData |
This abstract class contains the functionality shared between
tags and members of a structure type.
LgxProbeReport.LgxProbedMember |
LgxProbeReport.LgxProbedProgram |
LgxProbeReport.LgxProbedTag |
LgxProbeReport.LgxProbedType |
LgxProgram |
LgxTag |
This implementation depends heavily on Rockwell's public data access
manual for Logix and the Messaging Quick Start manual for the Micro8xx
LgxTagMgr |
LgxTemplate |
LgxTplListener |
LgxTplMgr |
LimitedInputStream |
LinkConsumer |
LinkConsumerAdapter |
LinkProducer |
LinkProducerAdapter |
Provides a generic intermediary between an LinkProducer and its owner.
LocalBusPort |
LocalConx |
This class for local connections sits in the port that has the final
LogicalSeg |
LogicalSeg.LogicalParser |
An attribute segment must have a ID number that fits in an
unsigned word.
MemberHandleSeg |
Structure member selector by handle.
MemberHandleSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
MemberNumSeg |
Structure member selector by 1-based element number.
MemberNumSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
MemberSeg |
MemberSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
MemberSeg.Parser |
An member segment may have any 32-bit ID number.
MsgOriginator |
MsgRouter |
MsgRouterMgr |
MsgTargetConx |
MultipleReq |
The Multiple Service Packet service, code 0x0a, is described in appendix
A of the CIP Specification. It is used to execute multiple services
within a target using a single packet.
MultipleReqBatch |
Perform size-based accumulation of CIP Requests into batches using
MultipleReq .
NamedStructSeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
NamedStructSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
NestedLogicalSeg |
NestedLogicalSeg.SubscriptParser |
NettyEncapDecoder |
NettyEncapDispatch |
NettyEncapEncoder |
NettyIODispatch |
NettyIODispatch.IOMessage |
NettyLogger |
NettyUdpDispatch |
NettyUdpDispatch.BcastResponder |
NettyUdpDispatch.BcastSetup |
NetworkSeg |
NullAddrCPF |
O2TSocketCPF |
OmronBCD2 |
OmronBCD4 |
OmronBCD8 |
OmronBOOL |
Omron Booleans are chameleons for transfer on the wire.
Omron implementation of nanoseconds Time of Day.
OmronDT |
OmronEnum |
OmronProbe |
Reverse engineered probe for Omron NJ/NX global variables
and associated data types.
OmronProbeContext |
Wrap an OmronProbeReport to serve as the data context for enclosed
type definitions.
OmronProbeReport |
Contains the results of performing the tag and datatype scan
documented in Rockwell's Logix Data Access manual.
OmronProbeReport.OmBrowsedTag |
OmronProbeReport.OmNamedData |
OmronProbeReport.OmNamedItem |
Common parts of global variables and complex type members.
OmronProbeReport.OmProbedMember |
OmronProbeReport.OmProbedTag |
OmronProbeReport.OmProbedType |
The Omron NJ/NX processor family implements its STRING datatype with
varying semantics on the wire.
Omron implementation of nanoseconds Time of Day.
OmronTOD |
Omron implementation of nanoseconds Time of Day.
OmStringDefSeg |
Encapsulates an elementary data type annotation within a CIP Path
OmStringDefSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
OmStringDefSeg.Parser |
Registered as "omstring".
OriginTool |
OsInfo |
Parameter |
Implementation of Stub Parameter Instances.
ParamMgr |
Implementation of the Class Object for Stub Parameters
Dynamic creation/deletion of Parameters via CIP Services is
*not* supported.
Parser |
EDS parsing algorithm yielding a condensed, uncommented form in memory.
Parser.EntryBuilder |
Parser.StateMgr |
PathByteByteSize |
PathByteShortSize |
PathFragmentException |
PathParseException |
PathSegment |
In CIP, "Segments" encode various pieces of information that are then used
to locate objects within a device's internal address space.
PathSegment.HasAlternateHex |
Mark implementations that have nested elements that can have
their hex representations shown separately.
PathSegmentDecoder |
PathShortByteSize |
PathShortShortSize |
PathTokenParser |
PermissionedItem |
PermissionedItem.LgxPermTracker |
Permissions tracker implementation for single items.
PermStructDef |
Permissions are relatively fine-grained in Logix applications.
PermStructMbr |
Permissions are relatively fine-grained in Logix applications.
PortMgr |
PortSeg |
PortSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
PortSeg.Parser |
A port segment consumes two tokens: the device port (not internet
port number) and the address.
PortSeg.SlotParser |
A port segment with port #1 is reserved for backplanes.
PrettyBitSet |
QuotedField |
ReadSkipException |
ReadSkipSuccess |
Register |
Register.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encapsulated Ethernet/IP packet
ReqRspDataCPF |
ScheduleSeg |
ScheduleSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
ScheduleSeg.Parser |
This parser is expected to registered for the 'sched' and 'schedule' keywords.
Section |
SectionDescriptor |
SectionEntry |
SendingMsgProc |
SeqAddrCPF |
ServiceSeg |
ServiceSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
ShortTrace |
SimpleDataSeg |
SimpleDataSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
SimpleDataSeg.Parser |
This parser is expected to registered for the 'data' keyword.
SimpleField |
SizedSoftCache<T> |
Common code for a simple class that caches object that have
an associated size
SocketCPF |
SoftCache<T> |
Common code for a simple cache based on Soft References.
StructChgListener |
StructDef |
StructDef.Aligner |
StructDef.ForceAligner |
StructDef.LogixAligner |
StructDef.SimpleAligner |
StructDefCtx |
StructDefSeg |
StructDefSeg.Parser |
Parse after the keyword "Struct" to obtain either an
abbreviated structure segment (numeric CRC code) or a named
structure segment (anything other identifier).
StructMember |
SubnetUtil |
SymbolicSeg |
SymbolicSeg.Decoder |
Decode bytes expected to contain one encoded path segment.
SymbolicSeg.Parser |
A symbolic segment is not restricted to ISO-8859-1 characters.
SymbolInstance |
Mark a CipObject that has a symbol segment in addition to a logical
segment for use in path resolution.
SymbolSeg |
T2OSocketCPF |
TcpConx |
These TCP connections encompass all of the common operations of Explicit
messaging TCP Servers and TCP clients.
TcpIp |
TcpIpInstance |
TcpIpPort |
Full implementation of a Device's TCP/IP port with both
Target and Originator Capabilities, and Class 1 support.
Template |
TimestampUtil |
TypeTokenParser |
UnCxSendReq |
UnitDataCPF |
WriteSkipException |